
Menampilkan postingan dari Oktober, 2021

Mid-Term Test Poem - Picture 5

  1.       Picture 5: “Our Hero” By Novita Handayani   Time after time Waiting for a long time Hoping that a miracle will happen Hoping anxiously waiting for the good news that will happen   Time after time Waiting for a long time It hurts when you hear the morning news When you know destiny says otherwise   The sinking of the KRI Nanggala 402 is sad news for Indonesia Goodbye our hero Patriot of the proud nation of Indonesia Thank you, country hero 

Mid-Term Test Poem - Picture 4

  1.       Picture 4: “The Balloon” By Novita Handayani   Rubber 'balloons' that have a lot of flavors but don't have a taste This 'balloon' is widely misused by unscrupulous people The teens 'naughty’ one of them is going through puberty Using these 'Balloons' for great fun and a big 'party'   One time try to use, it's safe Tried to use it twice, still safe Tried to use it three times, still safe Do four times use? Who knows it's still safe?   Blinded by lust and pleasure Unknowingly what has been done destroys the future Turns into an addiction that hurts yourself and takes away your common senses Letting go of losing holiness with the lure of security and sweet promises

Mid-Term Test Poem - Picture 3

  1.       Picture 3: “Peace of mind” By Novita Handayani   The wind that blows on the shore The crashing waves are racing to catch up on the beach body The blue water of the beach makes peace of mind and body The green of the trees makes the eyes feel pampered by the beauty of nature   The feeling of sadness that surrounds the heart disappears A tired mind becomes relaxed Make this feeling of the heart become incomparably happies                       How beautiful is your masterpiece, God

Mid-Term Test Poem - Picture 2

  1.       Picture 2:   “The struggle of angels without wings” By Novita Handayani   You will never show your tiredness Your spirit continues to burn Your smile never fades Step by step you live with passion   Whatever you will do for me Whatever you will fight for me Heat or rain you will hit You will carry heavy or light   You are willing to sacrifice for a mouthful of rice You are even willing to let your little body carry a heavy Your little feet step with certainty To live this hard life   Thank you, my angel Heaven with you my angel The angel without wings I call   Mother ...

Mid-Term Test Poem - Picture 1

  1.       Picture 1: “Bring back this little angel's smile” By Novita Handayani   Oh, God It's really a heavy trial that you give Oh, God How painful the pain you gave   How long will this little angel endure this suffering? Can you take back this little angel's suffering? When did you get rid of this little angel's pain? Is there a miracle to solve this pain?   Oh, God This little angel wants to live a normal life like the others, without any pain Oh, God                        We just want this little angel to smile again

Mid-Term Test Poem

  A.     Look at the pictures and then create a poem from each of the pictures. 1.       Picture 1: “Bring back this little angel's smile” By Novita Handayani   Oh, God It's really a heavy trial that you give Oh, God How painful the pain you gave   How long will this little angel endure this suffering? Can you take back this little angel's suffering? When did you get rid of this little angel's pain? Is there a miracle to solve this pain?   Oh, God This little angel wants to live a normal life like the others, without any pain Oh, God We just want this little angel to smile again   2.       Picture 2:   “The struggle of angels without wings” By Novita Handayani   You will never show your tiredness Your spirit continues to burn Your smile never fades Step by step you live with passion   Whatever you will do for me Whatever you will fight for me Heat or rain you will hit You will carry heavy or light  

Kesan puisi "Surat Dari Ibu" Karya: Asrul Sani

  “SURAT DARI IBU” Karya : Asrul Sani Pergi ke dunia luas, anakku sayang pergi ke hidup bebas ! Selama angin masih angin buritan dan matahari pagi menyinar daun-daunan dalam rimba dan padang hijau. Pergi ke laut lepas, anakku sayang pergi ke alam bebas ! Selama hari belum petang dan warna senja belum kemerah-merahan menutup pintu waktu lampau. Jika bayang telah pudar dan elang laut pulang kesarang angin bertiup ke benua Tiang-tiang akan kering sendiri dan nakhoda sudah tahu pedoman boleh engkau datang padaku ! Kembali pulang, anakku sayang kembali ke balik malam ! Jika kapalmu telah rapat ke tepi Kita akan bercerita “Tentang cinta dan hidupmu pagi hari.” Kesan terhadap puisi : “Surat Dari Ibu” karya Asrul Sani. Puisi ini mempunyai makna yang  bagus dan berisi tentang harapan-harapan dari seorang Ibu terhadap anak-anaknnya untuk menjadi sukses dan bahagia dengan mencari ilmu dan meluaskan pergaulan mereka dengan semangat selagi mereka masih muda, dan bagaiman

Pantun Bebas

  Pantun Bebas Pantun Nasehat Pergi ke laut untuk berlayar Udaranya dingin seperti es Kalau kamu rajin belajar Pasti kelak akan sukses   Pantun Agama Sungguh indah pintu dipahat Burung puyuh di atas dahan Kalau hidup hendak selamat Taatlah selalu perintah Tuhan

Puisi Kritik Sosial

  PUISI KRITIK SOSIAL “ Di Kala Darurat ”   Saat situasi sudah darurat Aturan semakin diperketat Banyak akses yang disekat Banyak tempat ditutup rapat Walau kegiatan pasti terhambat Kita pun harus taat Agar Kita tetap sehat Pandemi pun berlalu cepat

Puisi Cinta

  “ LOVE? ” By Novita Handayani   Saw you in the corner of the cafe at that time Made me glued and stunned at first sight I immediately felt a rumbling feeling in my heart When those two beautiful eyes accidentally collide with me   I'm silent and feel freezing What is this feeling? Why is my heart beating so fast? Before you finally break eye contact first   Is that love? Then I asked in my heart Does love really even exist? If yes, can I feel it?  Can I be selfish to get it?