Don't Tell But Show

 Don’t Tell But Show.

Write a paragraph from these 3 sentences (one paragraph each)

1.      I was happy.

Afternoon on April 8, 2020. It became a historic date for my life. Maybe to you, it looks ugh very ridiculous and exaggerated but to me, the date really means a lot. The date on which the SNMPTN announcement took place and also became a birthday present for my father. Finally, I can see my father's sincere and proud smile again after I disappointed my father when I was heading to High School. I got tears and warm hugs and kisses from my parents after I told them that I passed the selection. Feelings of happiness, touched, pride, grateful were gathered into one when I was declared to have passed the SNMPTN selection and seen on my cellphone screen showing a green color. I was very happy and very grateful to God Almighty for what he has given me. Thank you, God, for granting my wish. Thank you mom and father for always supporting me. Thank you myself for doing my best.

2.      The class is a mess.

On a very sunny Friday morning at Neo High School, the school bell rang, signaling that class had begun. The teacher named Nakamoto Yuta arrives at the class he is going to teach. He started to enter the classroom and how surprised he was when he entered the classroom to see the condition of the classroom which was very dirty and messy. Lots of paper and food wrappers were scattered about, the floor was still dirty from shoe tracks and the windows were full of dust. Yuta asked the students in the class,

"Why is this class so dirty and messy? Wasn't there a picket student yesterday?"

The students then looked at each other. One of the students answered slightly nervously,

"I'm sorry sir, it seems that there were students who picked up yesterday after school, because it was already scheduled, sir."

"If this class was cleaned, surely this class wouldn't be as dirty and messy as this, right?"

Mr. Yuta again questioned the answer given by one of the students. The students were silent for a moment hearing the teacher's statement. The teacher sighed, his face turned annoyed after hearing the student's answer,

"Clean this class first, I will not teach and start the lesson if this class is dirty and messy. I will be back in 20 minutes and the class is already clean."

Said the teacher again,

"Alright, sir."

The students in the class then rushed to clean the classroom.

Then Yuta, the teacher left the classroom to wait for the classroom to be clean again so he could teach.

3.      I was sad.

Jung Jaehyun, his name. The person who always makes Lee Taeyong's heart beat fast. Every little attention that Jung Jaehyun paid to him made Lee Taeyong's stomach feel like butterflies were falling on him. Jung Jaehyun always prioritized her over himself. For example tonight. This slightly cloudy Sunday night Jung Jaehyun came to her house just to give Lee Taeyong her favorite snack and cheer her up. Jung Jaehyun always knew Lee Taeyong's condition even without Lee Taeyong telling him. Currently, Lee Taeyong was very sad. If we asked why a Jung Jaehyun bothered him to come just to give it to Lee Taeyong? The answer was Jung Jaehyun himself also did not know he would only answer 'as a good friend and as a good neighbor'. Is Jung Jaehyun the lover of Lee Taeyong's heart? No, they were just friends since they were little. It had become a habit for Jung Jaehyun. But why does Lee Taeyong's heart skip a beat if he only mentions Jung Jaehyun's name? That's right, Lee Taeyong likes him, his best friend. What about Jung Jaehyun himself? Do not know. He's still in denial about his feelings for his best friend. Jung Jaehyun didn't want to ruin his friendship with Lee Taeyong. They grew up together because their houses were close together. From kindergarten until now they are always together and inseparable. Jung Jaehyun always takes good care of Lee Taeyong and is full of love. It's only natural that one of them or even both would like each other.


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